Days 2 and 3 - Singapore
Posted : July 25, 2015

Tuesday 21 July
We clowned, slapsticked and buffooned our way through our second day together at Camp Asia.
We introduced ourselves to each other again but this time with only our Shakespearean inspired names and shared even bigger lies about ourselves than we did yesterday!!! "I own seven Castles" "I live inside a volcano" and "I have 5 million restaurants."
We played around with a new tongue twister ... If two witches were watching two watched witches which witch would watch which watch? Tongue twisters are there to wake up our imaginations!
We introduced our call and response signs to our budding cast of actors
What ho.....!
Malvolivio (strike a pose)
What country friends is this ?
This is Illyria Lady (down to the ground and click your hand high in the air)
We then met and talked about Sir Toby Belch and Sir Andrew Augecheek and Maria - who are these folk? And how many dupes and pranks do these characters bring to the story?
We experimented with leading with different parts of our body ...shoulder, nose etc. Fast and slow, light and heavy.... What kinds of characters might we create from these ideas? Business men on their way to work? An old man shuffling his feet? A penguin? A bear?
We then used balloons to make our characters even bigger and crazier than before.
We followed all this larger than life acting with a Drinking Song - it felt only right with all our high energy games! Adding actions and choreography to make it into a real P.A.R.T.Y!
To finish off we had a relay race between 3 teams to recap all the stuff that we have been thinking about over the past two days
Wednesday 22nd July
After a quick warm up and swim in a warm imaginary pool with a dry down vocal warm up. We played "4 corners" with mambo poa. This time reciting words that give extra insights or meaning to the scenes that we have been talking about.
We started experimenting with ensemble work in teams of five, then seven and then eleven. Following and leading us into a school of fish off/ bit like a dance off - naming our teams swordfish, clownfish, sharks and dolphins ending with everyone in a gigantic underwater Thai chi movement piece.
With Morag we started working on the four scenes from our game which sometimes resulted in having six actors play the part of Malvolio in one scene!!
The rest of us were kept busy making Feste puppets with wide mouths and wiggly eyes.
After lunch we played around with our finale song inspired by the real ending of Twelfth Night - orchestrated with deep breathes and lots of swagger.
We shared all the scene work which we had prepared before lunch and played guess the character recognising each other's brilliant interpretations and acting excellence.
To end our day we took it in turns to walk down the corridor of thoughts catching what we heard from each other's best bits of our third day.