Much Ado at half term....
Posted : February 21, 2022

What a half term week. We'll need a holiday to get over it! A wonderful inventive creative and energetic bunch of 5-11 year olds worked incredibly hard all week learning about Shakespeare's hilarious comedy, Much Ado About Nothing. We crafted quill pens, ruffs, and masks; we designed costumes; we learnt about slapstick and commedia d'ellarte; how Elizabethans entertained themselves; iambic pentameter, the beating heart of Shakespeare's poetry; stage combat; stage craft; and so much more.
And at the end of the week we produced a wonderful show for family and friends.
She absolutely loved her week with you and I was so impressed with their performance and how much they had achieved.
the show was just brilliant and everyone looked like they were having so much fun. An extra thank you for the skill with which you clearly made my daughter (6) feel comfortable and confident enough to find it so fun. She is prone to retreat into her shell if anything mildly dramatic is expected of her!